Haley Barnes
Marketing Coordinator/Banking Officer
Commercial Banking Company, Valdosta
Group 8 Rep., GBA Marketing Committee
Q: What was your first job, and was there a lesson you learned there that you still use today?
A: My first job was in retail at a high-end jewelry store, where I worked for eight years beginning when I was a senior in high school. Retail introduces you to many different scenarios in the workplace that help build the necessary skills for any job, especially a customer-facing job. Being in a sales environment, one of the lessons I learned was the importance of setting goals. Having something to strive for allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment once you have met that goal and feel like you’ve contributed to the overall success of the business and team. Another lesson learned would be the value of customer service and the impact that makes on a business. Putting the customer first and building a relationship with them goes a long way in providing a great experience with your business and helps establish a loyal customer base.
Q: What drew you to marketing and/or the financial services industry?
A: Working in retail is where I found my passion for business, customer interaction, event coordinating, and marketing as more than just advertising your products and services. I learned that marketing is about a company’s brand, people, and the impact and value that it brings to the community. I loved both finance and marketing while in college, but I am especially attracted to marketing because it’s always evolving and encompasses many areas within it, such as digital marketing, social media, community outreach, advertising, graphic design, events and much more. No two days are ever the same, and I love a fast-paced environment. I had a short-lived career as a financial advisor as well that helped provide a good foundation towards by position here at CBC Bank. It’s important for me to feel like I’m making a difference in my career, which is one of the reasons I am drawn to the financial services industry. We strive to help our customers and community, making it a very rewarding career path.
Q: When you think about the future of the banking industry, what makes you hopeful and what makes you concerned?
A: What makes me hopeful is that banks are a stable and steadfast part of any community and a service people will always need. The future of banking will definitely look different because of changing customer expectations and new technology that is constantly emerging. It’s important that banks are prepared to change and grow with consumers because even today, our banking strategies now look vastly different than they did a few years ago. However, it’s the advancements of technology and changing customer expectations that make me hopeful/excited for the future of the banking industry. On the flipside, what concerns me is how quickly the pandemic this past year escalated the consumer demand for that advanced technology and digital channels needed to bank virtually. It’s challenging to make these adjustments as quickly as customers are demanding them.
Q: If you could thank someone for becoming the professional you are today, who would it be and why?
A: I don’t know if I could thank just one person. My parents have always been great role models, showing me the value of working hard and how it leads to success. I also played softball for over 10 years and my coaches were huge contributors to my work ethic. As a working professional, I’ve had great managers and bosses who were willing to share their skills, knowledge, and expertise to help me grow in my career, which is something I hope to do for someone else one day as well.
Q: What would someone be surprised to learn about you?
A: My husband and I are actually expecting our first child, a little girl, in July and are very excited! Also, I love to travel. This past year, we drove an RV across 20 states to Wyoming and back. By the end of this year, we will have visited 29 states, with the goal of eventually visiting all 50.