Kenneth R. Farrell
President and Chief Executive officer
First Chatham Bank
Savannah, GA
At Large member, GBA Board of Directors
Q: What was your first job, and was there a lesson you learned there that you still use today?
A: I worked for three different small businesses during high school and college: A restaurant, an industrial materials supplier and a small component parts manufacturer. In each case, I was amazed by the many hats small business owners wear. From financial planning, employee management, sales performance and trying to remain relevant by thinking outside of the box, it was the work ethic and passion to succeed of those involved that I have tried to carry with me through my 42-year career.
Q: What drew you to banking and what has kept you there?
A:When I graduated from college with an accounting degree, I quickly realized that I was better suited for working directly with people. While my accounting degree has been hugely beneficial in the banking world, nothing is more rewarding than being a part of someone’s success. Being able to help someone never gets old.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish in your leadership on the GBA Board of Directors?
A: I hope to further support the importance of community banking for all of the varied markets we have across our state. In addition, I will be an advocate for the GBA’s numerous programs that specifically focus on developing quality leaders.
Q: If you could thank someone for becoming a banker or person you are today, who would it be?
A: My family has been most instrumental in my career. When I had to move away from my hometown, they never hesitated to support my decision. While family always comes first, mine has always been there to support me all along the way.
Q: What would someone be surprised to learn about you?
A: I had the opportunity to attend the G8 Summit on Sea Island in 2004 and consider it an honor to have been invited to participate in some small way.