GBA Member Banker Profile

G.W. Johnson
President & CEO
Durden Banking Company, Twin City
GBA Secretary / Treasurer

Q: How long have you been in banking, and will you share a little insight with us about how you became a career banker?

This year will mark my 39th year at the bank. Before coming to the bank I worked in credit and finance for three years, so I’ve been going at it for about 42 years. I wanted to live and work in a rural community, and finance and banking became a career I could enjoy while helping the people in my hometown.

Q: What are some lessons you learned early on that you still use today?  

Nothing replaces hard work. You must put in the time necessary to get the job done the right way.

Q: The most misunderstood thing about banking or bankers is…

Their work hours. Many feel we work form 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.,  but in reality many bankers work 50+ hours per week.

Q: What are some of the reasons why your fellow CEOs and executives should attend the GBA Annual Meeting June 21-24 at The Breakers in Palm Beach? 

Attending the GBA Annual Meeting allows them to network with other bankers and learn from each other. The speakers and topics at the conference are always interesting and beneficial to those that attend. Sunshine, water and sand aren’t bad either!

Q: When you’re not on the job at the bank or fulfilling your GBA Secretary/Treasurer Duties, what do you like to do?

I love spending time with my grandchildren. They come first in my free time. I also raise beef cattle, which keeps me pretty busy after work until quail season, and then I follow my bird dogs.