GBA Member Profile

Andy Borrmann
EVP, Chief Financial Officer
Colony Bankcorp, Inc., Atlanta, GA
Member, 2022-2023 GBA Asset/Liability Management Committee

Q: What was your first job, and was there a lesson you learned there that you still use today?
A: My first real job in finance was as a quantitative research associate for Robinson Humphrey (now Truist Securities). Basically, we modeled company-specific financials and economic data to drive stock purchase and sale decision-making through trend and mean-reversion data points.

Q: What was the most useful piece of advice you received from a mentor (or in the early/formative years of your career)?
A: I think the two most important "mantras" that I try to keep focused on are - 1. Be better today than I was yesterday, and 2. Walk into the office every day willing to get fired to stay true to your principles. In a management position, you’re taking risks you can’t undo, so you want to be able to stand by them.

Q: Tell us about one experience you’ve had that exemplifies being a banker, such as a service story that really helped a customer or a quirky story.
A: We always try to be researching various aspects of Colony, the interest rate environment, loan/deposit pricing environment, etc., so we can make very rapid, positively impactful decisions. During COVID, municipal bond pricing got meaningfully cheaper vs. other products and we were able to purchase a very large position in this sector, providing oversized returns vs. other opportunities.

Q: What is the hardest part about your job?
A: Keeping track of all of the balls in the air. Being a publicly traded company with multiple business lines while transitioning to a data-based focus is keeping all of the Colony team extremely busy.

Q: First tap/click of the day?
A: Bloomberg interest rate futures.

Q: When you’re not on the job at the bank, what do you like to do?
A: I have been participating in endurance sports, including triathlons. I just completed my second Ironman race in September. In a 13-hour race, there are moments when you want to quit, but you’ve got to get through those 15 minutes. It’s more about learning how to ride out the low times than enjoying the good times. I also have three daughters whose sports and school activities keep us flying around!