GBA Compliance School

The New GBA Compliance School - Purpose and Philosophy

The GBA Compliance School is a two-year program designed to give new and experienced compliance pros the tools necessary to build, monitor, and maintain an effective compliance program. While the world of bank compliance may be quiet at times, it always evolves. Our purpose is to keep feeding industry professionals the essentials they need to identify risks and mitigate them, while at the same time building partnerships with all business lines within the organization. This is accomplished by teaching compliance as well as leadership skills.

Who should attend (Hint: It’s more than just compliance officers!)

Compliance officers as well as anyone who has compliance responsibilities as a component of their job (loan compliance, deposit compliance, operational compliance, BSA compliance). The school will equip them with the knowledge necessary to evolve their skill so they can add value to their institution. 

Year 1 – Building the Base

Every structurally sound building begins with a strong foundation. Year 1 of the GBA Compliance School examines the fundamen­tals required to ensure a solid compliance management program. Whether you’re new to bank compliance or have been in the profes­sion for years, this training will allow you to examine your program to make sure there are no cracks in the compliance monitoring foundation. Just as with your home, routine maintenance is needed to ensure the structure can weather even the fiercest of storms.

Year 2 – Strategic Compliance Management

Year 2 - Strategic Compliance Management builds on the student’s basic foundation by providing more practical applications for overseeing individual lending, deposit and operational regulations as well as your overall compliance management program. The foundation has been inspected, maintained and determined to be solid; now what do you do? In the second year of the GBA Compliance School, we demonstrate how to maintain an ongoing, proactive compliance management program and provide additional tools to help you protect your bank against potential storms. These survival tools are not always found in the regulations, but rather in the resources employed to carry out the tasks.

Both years spend time focusing on leadership, team building and maintaining strong peer relationships, which help to strengthen the bank’s compliance management program and create cohesion throughout the organization. These concepts teach compliance professionals how to better understand their organization’s business lines and provide a guide to creating successful partnerships that benefit the entire organization.

At the conclusion of the Year 2 session, students will participate in a graduation ceremony.

The schools run concurrently with the Georgia Banking School.

Check the GBA Calendar of Events for Upcoming School Session Dates


For admission, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be employed as an officer or key staff member of a bank, or be employed at a GBA Associate Member company;
  • Be a bank officer or employee involved in a compliance function of the bank (deposits, consumer lending, mortgages, operations) for any length of time and would like a better understanding of compliance.
  • If applicant does not meet one of the above requirements, but the nominating officer feels the candidate is qualified, a letter from the CEO may be sent with the application explaining the circumstances for review by the school Board.


    • Advertising and Social Media
    • Appraisals
    • CMS - Compliance Management System
    • Complaints
    • Consumer TILA (non-TRID) Truth in Lending Act
    • CRA – Community Reinvestment Act
    • Debt Collection
    • Denials
    • Fair Lending
    • FCRA/FACTA - Fair Credit Reporting Act/Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
    • FLOOD
    • HMDA – Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
    • Homeownership Counseling
    • How to Read a Regulation
    • Insurance
    • Leadership
    • PCCD - Preservation of Consumers’ Claims and Defenses
    • PMI – Private Mortgage Insurance
    • Practical Application
    • Privacy/Information Security
    • Reg CC – Expedited Funds Availability Act
    • Reg D – Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
    • Reg E – Electronic Funds Transfer Act
    • Reg. B - ECOA – Equal Credit Opportunity Act
    • Reg. Z - TRID – Truth in Lending Act
    • RESPA (non-TRID) – Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
    • Risk Assessment
    • SAFE Act – Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act
    • SCRA/MLA – Servicemembers Civil Relief Act/Military Lending Act
    • Team Building
    • TISA/Overdraft – Truth in Savings

    Graduation Requirements

    Completion of the GBA Compliance Schools (Year One and Year Two) is based on 100% attendance and performance in all scheduled classes, lectures and pre-work.

    GBA Contacts

    Aimee Corcoran
    Professional Development Manager

    Event Partner